Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Z (USD)

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Società di GestioneCapital International Management Company Sàrl
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Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) A4
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) A4 CHF
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) A4 GBP
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) A7
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) A7 GBP
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) B
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) B CHF
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) B GBP
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) B USD
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Bd
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Bd GBP
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Bd USD
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Bgd
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Bgd EUR
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Bgdm
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Bgdmh-USD
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Bh-USD
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) C
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) C CHF
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) C GBP
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) C USD
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Cgd
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) N
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) N EUR
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Ngd
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Ngd USD
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Nh-USD
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) P
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) P USD
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Z
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Z CHF
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Z GBP
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Z SGD
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Zd
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Zd CHF
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Zd GBP
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Zd USD
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Zgdh-GBP
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Zh-GBP
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Zh-USD
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) ZL
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) ZL CHF
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) ZL EUR
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) ZL GBP
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) ZL SGD
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) ZLd
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) ZLd CHF
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) ZLd EUR
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) ZLd GBP
Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) ZLh-GBP
Legal StructureSICAV
Data di Partenza25/04/2013
Capital Research and Management Company
GestoreNicholas Grace
Data Inizio Gestione01/09/2021
Career Start Year1990
University of Waikato, B.A.
University of Wisconsin–Madison, M.B.A.
GestoreAlfonso Barroso
Data Inizio Gestione01/09/2021
Career Start Year1995
Harvard University, B.A./B.S.
GestoreEdouard de Pomyers
Data Inizio Gestione01/04/2024
Career Start Year2003
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