Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) A7 (USD)

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Società di GestioneCapital International Management Company Sàrl
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Altre Classi
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) A4
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) A4 GBP
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) A4 USD
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) A7
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) A7d
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) A7dm
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) A7h-EUR
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) B
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) B JPY
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) B USD
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Bd
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Bd USD
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Bdh-EUR
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Bgd
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Bgd EUR
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Bgdh-EUR
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Bh-EUR
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) C
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) C CHF
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) C GBP
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) C JPY
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) C USD
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Cgd
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Ch-JPY
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) N
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) N USD
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Nh-EUR
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) P
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) P USD
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Z
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Z CHF
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Z GBP
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Z USD
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Zd
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Zd CHF
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Zd GBP
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Zd USD
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Zgd
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Zgd USD
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Zh-EUR
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) ZL
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) ZL CHF
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) ZL EUR
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) ZL GBP
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) ZLd
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) ZLd CHF
Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) ZLh-EUR
Legal StructureSICAV
Data di Partenza23/01/2018
Capital Research and Management Company
GestoreAndrew Cormack
Data Inizio Gestione01/03/2021
Career Start Year2004
GestoreTomonori Tani
Data Inizio Gestione01/12/2016
Career Start Year1999
Sophia University, B.A.
GestorePhilip Chitty
Data Inizio Gestione01/05/2023
Career Start Year1994
Birkbeck College, M.A.
GestoreAnirudh Samsi
Data Inizio Gestione01/01/2019
Career Start Year1996
Indian Institute of Management, M.B.A.
University of Mumbai, B.A./B.S.
GestoreHilda Applbaum
Data Inizio Gestione31/01/2014
Career Start Year1987
New York University, M.A.
Barnard College, B.A.
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