Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield C Accumulation EUR

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Società di GestioneSchroder Investment Management (Europe) S.A.
Telefono+352 341 342 202
Indirizzo5, rue Höhenhof
 Luxembourg   L-1736
Altre Classi
Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield A Accumulation EUR Hedged
Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield A Accumulation USD
Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield A Distribution EUR Hedged QV
Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield A Distribution USD MF
Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield A Distribution USD MV
Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield A1 Accumulation EUR Hedged
Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield A1 Accumulation USD
Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield A1 Distribution EUR Hedged QV
Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield B Accumulation EUR Hedged
Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield B Accumulation USD
Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield B Distribution EUR Hedged QV
Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield C Accumulation EUR Hedged
Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield C Accumulation USD
Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield C Distribution EUR QV
Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield C Distribution USD MF
Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield I Accumulation EUR Hedged
Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield I Accumulation USD
Schroder International Selection Fund Global High Yield IZ Accumulation USD
Legal StructureSICAV
Data di Partenza30/11/2017
Schroder Investment Management North America Inc.
GestoreMichael Davis
Data Inizio Gestione28/02/2018
Career Start Year1992
1992, University of Massachusetts–Amherst, B.A.
1992, University of Massachusetts–Amherst, B.S.
GestoreHugo Squire
Data Inizio Gestione30/04/2020
University of Warwick
GestoreMartha Metcalf
Data Inizio Gestione31/12/2015
Mount Holyoke College, B.A.
Martha è Senior Portfolio Manager del Fixed Income Team statunitense, nonché co-leader del fondo Schroder Global High Yield, con sede a New York. È inoltre a capo della ricerca sul credito USA ad alto rendimento. È entrata a far parte di Schroders nell'ottobre 2010 ed è responsabile della gestione di portafoglio nell'ambito delle strategie globali ad alto rendimento. Prima di entrare a far parte di Schroders, è stata Managing Director e responsabile High Yield USA presso Credit Suisse a New York dal 2005 al 2010. Dal 2000 al 2005 è stata Managing Director e Portfolio Manager in Global High Yield Bonds presso Invesco. In precedenza ha lavorato presso J.P. Morgan Investment Management come Vice President e Portfolio Manager nell'High Yield. Ha conseguito un BA in economia politica internazionale presso Mount Holyoke ed è CFA Charterholder.
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