Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund I USD Fixed Monthly Inc

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Società di GestioneInvesco Management S.A.
Telefono(+353) 1 4398100
Indirizzo37A Avenue JF Kennedy
 Luxembourg   L-1855
Altre Classi
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund A CHF Hedged Acc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund A CZK Hedged Acc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund A EUR Acc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund A EUR Hedged Acc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund A EUR Hedged Annually Inc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund A EUR Hedged Monthly Inc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund A SEK Hedged Acc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund A USD Acc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund A USD Annually Inc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund A USD Fixed Monthly Inc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund C EUR Acc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund C EUR Hedged Acc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund C USD Acc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund E EUR Acc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund E EUR Hedged Acc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund R EUR Hedged Acc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund R USD Fixed Monthly Inc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund S (Accumulation) EUR Hedged
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund S USD Acc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund Z EUR Acc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund Z EUR hedged Acc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund Z GBP Hedged Acc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund Z QDIS GR Inc
Invesco Funds - Invesco Belt and Road Debt Fund Z USD Acc
Legal StructureSICAV
Data di Partenza04/11/2020
Invesco Hong Kong Limited
GestoreYifei Ding
Data Inizio Gestione08/11/2018
GestoreNorbert Ling
Data Inizio Gestione03/01/2022
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