La raccolta dei fondi europei a ottobre

I comparti domiciliati in Europa (ETF inclusi) hanno goduto di flussi considerevoli il mese scorso, nonostante la volatilità di mercato.

Valerio Baselli 30/11/2020 | 08:45
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Valerio Baselli: In October, equity markets continued to swing in the run-up to the US presidential elections. This, however, did not deter investors to send almost 42 billion Euros to long-term European-domiciled funds last month. This level of demand was solid considering sagging markets, and inflows came at a higher pace than in September when they had dwindled to 28 billion.

Subscriptions for fixed income funds made an impressive rebound, nearly hitting the 20 billion mark after seeing modest inflows of 9 billion Euros in September.

Equity funds enjoyed remarkably stable inflows of almost 19 billion euros. A closer look, however, reveals that more than 15 billion targeted a small number of British domiciled institutional equity funds which made the rather somber equity flow picture appear in a more positive light.

Once again, demand for allocation funds was tepid, meanwhile precious metal funds made the difference for commodity products, which posted net inflows of 1.5 billion Euros, the highest level seen since July. Even though the volume of gold used in jewelry and electronic applications remained soft compared with 2019, on the flip side investment demand through gold ETFs remained strong. 

A look at the top-selling categories reveals strong demand for US large-cap blend equity funds. With 5.7 billion taken in. Sector equity ecology funds had in October their highest inflows since Morningstar started collecting data on fund flows in 2007. These funds invest principally in companies whose products or services actively promote a cleaner environment.

On the other hand, alternative multistrategy funds continued to bleed, shedding 1.8 billion Euros, marking their 29th consecutive month of outflows. Finally, euro corporate bond funds saw 1.5 billion euros of net redemptions.

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Valerio Baselli

Valerio Baselli  è Giornalista di Morningstar.

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