THEAM Quant - Equity Europe Climate Care Privilege EUR Capitalisation

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Storico dei rendimenti30/11/2024
Crescita di 1000 (EUR) Grafico Interattivo
THEAM Quant - Equity Europe Climate Care Privilege EUR Capitalisation
 EUR 121,230
Var.Ultima Quotazione -0,67%
Categoria Morningstar™ Azionari Europa Flex-Cap
Categoria Assogestioni Azionari Europa
Isin LU1666267908
Fund Size (Mil)
 EUR 76,42
Share Class Size (Mil)
 USD 0,01
Entrata (max) 3,00%
Spese correnti
Obiettivo d'Investimento Dichiarato: THEAM Quant - Equity Europe Climate Care Privilege EUR Capitalisation
The objective of the Sub-fund is to increase the value of its assets over the medium term by being exposed to a dynamic basket of equities listed on European markets or operating on these markets, the components of which are chosen using a systematic selection method based on environmental, social and governance criteria (ESG) as well as a carbon emission and energy transition criteria. The Sub-fund will not invest more than 10% of its net assets in units or shares of UCITS or other UCIs.
Rendimenti % (EUR)
Rendimenti % (EUR)17/12/2024
3-Anni Ann.ti-1,56
5-Anni Ann.ti2,12
10-Anni Ann.ti*-
Nome del Gestore
Inizio Gestione
Maxime Panel
Marie Barberot
Data di Partenza
Benchmark DichiaratoIndice di Categoria Morningstar
STOXX Europe 600 NR EURMorningstar DM Eur TME NR EUR
Target Market
Role In Portfolio
Standalone / CoreNon specifico
ComponentNon specifico
AltroNon specifico
Primary Objective
ConservazioneNon specifico
RedditoNon specifico
HedgingNon specifico
AltroNon specifico
Composizione del Fondo  THEAM Quant - Equity Europe Climate Care Privilege EUR Capitalisation-
Morningstar Style Box®
Stile Azionario
Asset Allocation
  % Lunga% Corta% Netta
Prime 5 Regioni%
Dati Non Disponibili
Primi 5 Settori%
Dati Non Disponibili
Primi 5 TitoliSettore%
Dati Non Disponibili
THEAM Quant - Equity Europe Climate Care Privilege EUR Capitalisation


* This share class has performance data calculated prior to the inception date, 2017-11-20. This is based upon a simulated/extended track record, using the track record of THEAM Quant-Eq Eurp Clmt Care C EUR Cap (ISIN: LU1353195891), and is in accordance with Morningstar’s Extended Performance Methodology paper. To find out more about this, click here.
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